Enabling Usage Tracking in a fresh OBIEE Instance

This post is for an OBIEE Upgrade project. I assumed that RPD setup was already done in the initial implementation. This post will show you how to set up usage tracking in a newly installed OBIEE instance. Create the Usage Tracking Tables in XXX_BIPLATFORM Schema     DROP TABLE S_ETL_DAY ; CREATE TABLE S_ETL_DAY( DAY_DT     date null, …

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How to configure ODBC for Informatica in Linux Server to connect to SQL Server

First we need to Configure DataDirect ODBC on Linux/Unix with PowerCenter, then we Configure PowerCenter on Linux to connect to Microsoft SQL Server using DataDirect ODBC protocol. By default, the installation of Informatica include the DataDirect ODBC driver on Linux/Unix Server. Your Linux/Unix OS might have unixODBC drive which was also installed by default when …

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Configuring OBIEE with SSL

This part is very challenging. You need lots of knowledge about networking and security. 1 Create a certificate key pair for the Server Certificate using the keytool genkeypair command. [tankbiee@oraclebiee ssl]$ keytool -genkeypair -alias oraclebiee -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 1865 -keypass welcome1 -keystore /devobieeapp/u01/app/oracle/product/fmw/ssl/myIdentity.jks -storepass welcome1 What is your first and last name? [Unknown]: oraclebiee …

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Refresh GUID

The process of synchronizing the GUIDs revolves completely around the fact that user identities are stored atomically within the Presentation Catalog, not by username but by a globally unique identifier (GUID). In certain circumstances, specifically when moving between environments with different identity providers or changes to users within those providers are made, the GUIDs can …

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Validate Catalog

It's important to validate your catalog when you just finish Catalog upgrade. Here are the detailed steps: 1) Stop the BI Services from EM2) Take the backup of Catalog, instanceconfig.xml and nqConfig.ini into a separate folder.3) Update the Catalog element in instanceconfig.xml,    Locate the Catalog element and update it as follows:    <Catalog>    <Validate>OnStartupAndExit</Validate>    <ValidateAccounts>Clean</ValidateAccounts>    <ValidateHomes>Report</ValidateHomes>    …

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Upgrade OBIEE Repository (RPD)

Download OBIEE client tool from Analytics home page. Install the client tool on a local machine. Set ODBC connection for the new BI server. (refer to http://gerardnico.com/wiki/dat/obiee/odbc_driver_bi_server_create ) Open the source RPD in the new Admin tool. The RPD will be upgraded automatically. You will see lots of warning, which is normal. After upgrade is …

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